Postage Stamps
Browse our selection of rare postage stamps for sale.
Newfoundland 1857-64 8d scarlet-vermilion, SG8
£600.00| /Newfoundland 1857-64 8d scarlet-vermilion, thick machine-made paper, horizontal pair, SG8. A stunning quality mint pair with large margins and orig...
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ST LUCIA 1904-10 set of 9 to 5s Specimens, SG65s/77s
£225.00| /St Lucia 1904-10 set of 9 to 5s, watermark MCA, overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG65s/77s. A fine quality mint set with large part original gum to full ori...
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ST LUCIA 1921-30 set of 15 to 5s SPECIMENS, SG91s/105s
£225.00| /St Lucia 1921-30 set of 15 to 5s, Script watermark overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG91s/105s. A fine mint set with large part original gum. Odd minor blem...
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ST LUCIA 1946 Victory 1d and 3½d Specimens, SG142s/3s
£95.00| /St Lucia 1946 Victory 1d lilac and 3½d blue, perforated 'SPECIMEN' (type D21), SG142s/3s. A very fine quality pair, both unmounted mint with full o...
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SARAWAK 1934-41 $1 to$10 six values, SG120/5
£1,150.00| /£1150.00 Sarawak 1934-41 $1 to $10, six values, in matching blocks of 4, each centrally cancelled by superb 'LIMBANG' type D6 circular date stamp...
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SARAWAK 1948 Royal Silver Wedding 8c and $5, SG165/6
£48.00| /Sarawak 1948 Royal Silver Wedding 8c scarlet and $5 brown, SG165/6. Post Office fresh examples, unmounted mint with full original gum. Wonderful qu...
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SAMOA 1877-80 'EXPRESS' 1s dull yellow, SG7
£1,100.00| /£1100.00 Samoa 1877-80 'EXPRESS' 1s dull yellow, 2nd state, perforations 12½, block of 4 from R1-2/2-3 on the sheet, SG7. A fine quality mint blo...
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Samoa 1877-80 "EXPRESS" 2s deep brown, SG18
£1,000.00| /£1000.00 Samoa 1877-80 "EXPRESS" 2s deep brown, 3rd state, perforations 12, block of 4 from R1-2/3-4, SG18. A fine mint block with large part ori...
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Samoa 1877-80 "EXPRESS" 9d orange-brown, SG20
£750.00| /£750.00 Samoa 1877-80 "EXPRESS" 9d orange-brown, 4th state, perforations 12, complete sheet of 10 (5x2), SG20. A fine mint complete sheet with fr...
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SAMOA 1877-80 'EXPRESS" 9d orange-brown, SG20
£250.00| /Samoa 1877-80 "EXPRESS" 9d orange-brown, state IV, position 8 on sheet, SG20. A fine used example with very light but discernible strike of APIA ci...
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Samoa 1895-1900 3d on 2d orange-yellow error, SG79a
£600.00| /Samoa 1895-1900 3d on 2d orange-yellow, type 10 handstamped surcharge in black, perforations 11, vertical pair, ERROR IMPERFORATE BETWEEN, SG79a. A...
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SAMOA 1914 2½d on 20pf ultramarine, variety, SG104d
£550.00| /Samoa 1914 (3 Sep) 2½d on 20pf ultramarine, variety 'Comma after I', lower marginal with 'Samoa' imprint, SG104d. A very fine mint example with lar...
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Samoa 1921 "Huts" set of 12 to 1s, SG153/64
£110.00| /Samoa 1921 "Native Hut" perforations 14 x 13½ set of 12 to 1s, SG153/64. A fine used set, each with clear part circular date stamps. The Native Hut...
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SAMOA 1940 1½d brown variety, SG199var
£800.00| /Samoa 1940 1½d brown "Samoan Chief", WITHOUT SURCHARGE, block of 4, SG199var. A fine and fresh mint block without gum. Fractionally trimmed perfora...
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Seychelles 1917-22 2r25 yellow-green and violet, SG96
£160.00| /Seychelles 1917-22 2r25 yellow-green and violet, watermark MCA, tied to piece by nearly complete "VICTORIA" circular date stamp, dated "JA 23 19". ...
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SEYCHELLES 1938-49 12c reddish violet, SG139
£225.00| /Seychelles 1938-49 12c reddish violet, lower marginal block of 4 with full 'Harrison' imprint, SG139. A fine and fresh positional block with origin...
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Seychelles 1952 45c purple-brown St Edward's Crown error, SG166/b
£475.00| /Seychelles 1952 45c purple-brown "Fishing Pirogue" St Edward's Crown error, block of 4, showing watermark error W9b "St Edward's Crown" on left pai...
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Sierra Leone 1903 £1 purple/red, SG85
£325.00| /Sierra Leone 1903 £1 purple/red, watermark CA, SG85. A very fine and fresh unmounted mint example with full original gum. A scarce King Edward VII ...
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SIERRA LEONE 1963 Independence 11s on £1 black and orange, SG269
£650.00| /Sierra Leone 1963 Independence 11s on £1 black and orange, type 73 surcharge, SG269. A fine unmounted mint example with full original gum. Traces o...
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SINGAPORE 1980-84 Ships $1 variety, SG373a
£300.00| /Singapore 1980-84 Ships $1, IMPERFORATE horizontal pair, SG373a. A pristine unmounted mint example with full original gum. A very scarce imperforat...
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Somaliland Protectorate 1903 ½a green variety,, SG25d
£150.00| /Somaliland Protectorate 1903 King Edward VII ½a green, type 1 overprint, variety "SOMAL.LAND", from lower pane R6/7 or R7/5, SG25d. A fine mint exa...
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Somaliland Protectorate 1903 1a carmine variety, SG26/d
£60.00| /Somaliland Protectorate 1903 1a carmine, type 1 overprint, horizontal pair, the left stamp showing variety "SOMAL.LAND", from lower pane R6/7 or R7...
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SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1938 Voortrekker set of 4 to 3d + 3d, SG105/8
£110.00| /South West Africa 1938 Voortrekker Centenary Memorial set of 4 to 3d + 3d, horizontal pairs, SG105/8. Very fine unmounted mint pairs with full orig...
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South West Africa 1943-44 War Effort 1s brown error, SG130c
£425.00| /South West Africa 1943-44 War Effort "Tank Corps" 1s brown (reduced size), type 31 overprint, vertical pair, error OVERPRINT INVERTED, SG130c. A fi...
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