British Empire and Commonwealth postage stamps
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BASUTOLAND 1961-63 ½c grey-black and sepia variety, SG69a var
£950.00| /£950.00 Basutoland 1961-63 ½c grey-black and sepia, lower marginal IMPERFORATE vertical pair WITH FRAME INVERTED AND VIGNETTE MISPLACED UPWARDS R...
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Mauritius 1903-04 15c on 15c ultramarine Express Delivery error, SGE4a
£2,000.00| /Mauritius 1903-04 15c on 15c ultramarine Express Delivery Type E4 surcharge, ERROR SURCHARGE INVERTED, SGE4a. A fine used example with part circula...
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St Kitts-Nevis 1950 ‘Anguilla Tercentenary' 1½d orange error, SG87/b
£1,300.00| /Saint Kitts-Nevis 1950 (10 Nov) ‘Tercententary of British Settlement in Anguilla' 1½d orange error, SG87/b. A brilliant unmounted mint, with full o...
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KUT 1925 £2 die proof of frame in black on glazed card, SG96
£750.00| /Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 1925 (19 Apr) £2 die proof of frame in black on glazed card (60x92mm), SG96. A very fine example with handstamped date...
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Singapore 1974 35c World Population Year error, SG239a
£850.00| /Singapore 1974 35c World Population Year, ERROR EMERALD (MALE SYMBOL) OMITTED, SG239a. A superb unmounted mint, with full original gum, example. Ac...
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Long Island 1916 ½d black on pale green paper, SG4
£3,500.00| /Long Island 1916 (7 May) ½d black on pale green paper, with horizontal grey lines, typewritten (top copy as always), SG4. A very fine unused exampl...
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St Kitts-Nevis 1923 Tercentenary set of 13 to £1 black and purple/red Specimens, SG48s/60s
£800.00| /St Kitts-Nevis 1923 'Tercentenary Founding of the Colony' set of 13 to £1 black and purple/red, overprinted 'SPECIMEN' (type D16), SG48s/60s. A bri...
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Bushire 1915 1ch deep blue and carmine ‘Coronation’, SG15
£1,200.00| /Bushire 1915 (Sept) 1ch deep blue and carmine ‘Coronation’, SG15. A very fine used example tied to piece by crisp nearly complete ‘BOUCHIR (DEPART)...
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Somaliland Protectorate 1903 2r carmine & yellow-brown variety, SG22b
£850.00| /Somaliland Protectorate 1903 (2 Nov) 2r carmine & yellow-brown, overprint at foot, variety ‘SUMALILAND' (R1/3, top left pane), SG22b. A brillia...
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Cyprus 1882 '½' on ½pi emerald-green variety, SG23c
£1,600.00| /Cyprus 1882 '½' on ½pi emerald-green, watermark CC, type 8 surcharge, variety 'Spur on 1' from position 3 of the setting of 6, SG23c. A very fine m...
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Morocco Agencies 1948 Spanish Currency 1p20c on 1s brown Olympic Games error, SG181a
£3,950.00| /Morocco Agencies 1948 Spanish Currency 1p20c on 1s brown Olympic Games error SURCHARGE DOUBLE, SG181a. A superb unmounted mint (hinged in margin on...
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Sarawak 1933 25c purple & blue Telegraphs, SGT4
£1,250.00| /Sarawak 1933 (1 Jan) 25c purple & blue Telegraphs, type Tl 'TELEGRAPHS' diagonal overprinted at Government Printing Office, Kuching on 1927 Rev...
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Australia 1975 10c Famous Australians "Edith Cowan" error, SG602ab
£140.00| /Australia 1975 10c Famous Australians "Edith Cowan", perforations 14x15, error printed on the gummed side, SG602ab. A superb unmounted mint example...
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Australia 1932 5s blue-green 'Sydney Harbour Bridge', SG143
£395.00| /Australia 1932 5s blue-green 'Sydney Harbour Bridge' lower right corner example, SG143. A very fine unmounted mint positional example with full ori...
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Bahamas 1963 8d sepia 'Freedom from Hunger' error, SG223a
£3,250.00| /Bahamas 1963 8d sepia 'Freedom from Hunger' error name and value omitted, SG223a. A very fine unmounted mint, with full original gum, lower right c...
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Leeward Islands 1921-32 £1 purple and black/red, SG80
£1,500.00| /Leeward Islands 1921-32 £1 purple and black/red, SG80. A fine unmounted mint, with full original gum, ipper left corner block of 4 with plate numbe...
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I.F.S. Jammu & Kashmir 1867 Kashmir 'old rectangular’ 1a black, SG89
£4,750.00| /Indian Feudatory States Jammu & Kashmir 1867 (Apr) Kashmir 'old rectangular’ 1a black, Type 7, SG89. A very fresh unused example printed on nat...
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Sold out
Falkland Islands 1938 set of 18 to £1 black and violet, SG146/163
£400.00| /Falkland Islands 1938 (3 Jan) set of 18 to £1 black and violet, SG146/63. A fine quality mounted mint complete set of this stunning King George VI ...
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North Borneo Labuan 1880-82 8c carmine, imperforate plate proof, SG7/a
£7,500.00| /North Borneo Labuan 1880-82 8c carmine, imperforate plate proof in issued colour on thin surfaced card, complete sheet of 10 (5x2) with M/S endorse...
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British East Africa 1895-96 5r ultramarine and violet, type 9 overprint on India error, SG63a
£3,250.00| /British East Africa 1895-96 5r ultramarine and violet, type 9 overprint on India ERROR OVERPRINT DOUBLE, SG63a. A fine and fresh mint example with ...
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Australia 1966-73 Decimal currency 5c 'Yellow-tailed Thornbill', SG386/a
£4,750.00| /Australia 1966-73 Decimal currency 5c 'Yellow-tailed Thornbill', SG386/a. An unmounted mint, with full original gum, horizontal strip of 5 with mar...
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Malaya - Federated Malay States 1900 $25 green and orange, type 2 overprint on Perak, SG14
£17,000.00| /Malaya - Federated Malay States 1900 $25 green and orange, type 2 overprint on Perak, SG14. A fine and fresh mint example with large part original ...
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Ceylon 1921-32 3c slate-grey, script watermark, variety SG340a
£5,750.00| /Ceylon 1921-32 3c slate-grey, script watermark, variety WATERMARK SIDEWAYS, SG340a. A fine unmounted mint, with full original gum, block of 4 from ...
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Hong Kong 1912-21 50c black/blue-green, SG111b
£1,400.00| /Hong Kong 1912-21 50c black/blue-green, OLIVE BACK, SG111b. A fresh and fine mint example with original gum. A very scarce King George V stamp in u...
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Sold out
New Zealand 1935-36 3s chocolate and yellow-brown variety, SG569ay
£550.00| /New Zealand 1935-36 3s chocolate and yellow-brown, watermark 43, Perforations 13½ x14, variety watermark inverted and reversed from the experimenta...
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Gambia 1902-05 1s violet and green, watermark CA, variety SG52a
£650.00| /Gambia 1902-05 1s violet and green, watermark CA, variety 'Dented frame' from left pane, R1/6, SG52a. A fine mint example with large part original ...
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Cyprus 1924-28 £5 black/yellow, SG117a
£4,250.00| /Cyprus 1924-28 £5 black/yellow, SG117a. A fine and fresh, well-centred, unmounted mint example with full original gum. A rare and handsome stamp of...
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Papua 1901-05 1s black and orange, SG15a
£1,000.00| /Papua 1901-05 1s black and orange, watermark vertical, thin paper, comb perforated, SG15a. A fine and fresh mint example with large part original g...
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I.F.S. Soruth 1949 1a on ½a black and deep blue error, SG58a
£650.00| /I.F.S. Soruth 1949 (May) 1a on ½a black and deep blue, Type 19 surcharge, ERROR SURCHARGE DOUBLE, SG58a. A fine used example for this rare surcharg...
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British Guiana 1850-51 12c blue ‘Cotton Reel’, Townsend type 'B (thick rule break over first 'I’ of BRITISH’), SG5
£35,000.00| /British Guiana 1850-51 12c blue ‘Cotton Reel’, Townsend type 'B (thick rule break over first 'I’ of BRITISH’), SG5. A cut square example with three...
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Australia 1931-36 £1 grey "The Kangaroo and Map", SG137
£4,500.00| /Australia 1931-36 £1 grey "The Kangaroo and Map" interpane horizontal pair with ‘JOHN ASH' imprint, SG137. A fresh and fine unmounted mint example ...
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Great Britain 1851 Overseas mail to India
£2,000.00| /Great Britain 1851 Overseas mail to India. A superb used 1d pink postal stationery envelope addressed to Bombay, pre-paid at the single rate of 1s ...
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British East Africa 1890-95 2½a black/yellow-buff error, SG7a
£8,000.00| /British East Africa 1890-95 2½a black/yellow-buff error, from 1891 first printing on thin paper, horizontal pair, ERROR IMPERFORATE BETWEEN (and at...
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I.C.S. Gwalior 1895-96 Ir green and carmine Official, error ‘SERSIV', SGO10a
£3,500.00| /I.C.S. Gwalior 1895-96 Ir green and carmine Official, error ‘SERSIV', SGO10a. A very fine mint example with lovely fresh colours and original gum. ...
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British Indian Ocean 1968-70 10r 'Lion fish’ error, SG 30a
£1,100.00| /British Indian Ocean 1968-70 10r 'Lion fish’ error, SG 30a. A superb unmounted mint upper marginal IMPERFORATE VERTICAL PAIR, with full original gu...
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Hong Kong 1962-73 $10 multicoloured on glazed paper, SG209d
£2,250.00| /Hong Kong 1962-73 $10 Queen Elizabeth II (Annigoni portrait) on GLAZED PAPER, watermark Mult St Edward's Crown CA upright, SG209d. A Post Office fr...
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Ceylon 1882-94 25c on 50r brown-lilac Telegraph, SGT40
£3,000.00| /Ceylon 1882-94 25c on 50r brown-lilac Telegraph (SG Type T35 surcharge), SGT40. A fine and brilliantly fresh mint example with large part original ...
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Sold out
Cyprus 1964 Olympic Games 10m brown, black and yellow variety, SG246/a
£1,200.00| /Cyprus 1964 Olympic Games 10m brown, black and yellow, lower left corner block of 9 (3x3), with watermark inverted, R9/2 showing 'Blind runner' pri...
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Sold out
Zanzibar 1895-96 on India 5r ultramarine and violet variety, SG21k
£4,750.00| /Zanzibar 1895-86 on India 5r ultramarine and violet, overprint Type 1, printing variety inverted "r", SG21k. A fine and fresh mint example with lar...
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Malta 1872(c.) ½d yellow-buff imperforate plate proof, SG10
£3,500.00| /Malta 1872(c.) ½d yellow-buff imperforate plate proof in thick glazed wove, overprinted 'CANCELLED' (type D7), SG10. A magnificent block of 12 (6x2...
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Hong Kong 1921-37 2c blue-green, variety watermark inverted, SG118bw
£2,250.00| /Hong Kong 1921-37 2c blue-green, Script watermark, printing variety with inverted watermark, SG118bw. A fine unmounted mint with original gum (hing...
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Malaya - Selangor 1935-41 8c scarlet on thin striated paper, SG75var
£1,200.00| /Malaya - Selangor 1935-41 8c scarlet on thin striated paper, prepared for use but not issued in this colour, SG75var. A brilliant quality unmounted...
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Malaya - Johore 1922-41 $100 green and scarlet, SG127
£2,250.00| /Malaya - Johore 1922-41 $100 green and scarlet "Sultan Sir Ibrahim", Script watermark, SG127. A fine mint example with original gum and centring fa...
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Papua 1907 2s6d black and brown, SG45
£11,000.00| /Papua 1907 (May-June) 2s6d black and brown, SG45. Printed on thick paper, watermark vertical (line perforated), type 4 small ‘Papua' overprint (at ...
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Malaya - Trengganu 1941 set of 4 to 15c ultramarine, unissued
£4,000.00| /Malaya - Trengganu 1941 "Sultan Suleiman" 2c yellow-orange, 6c slate-grey, 8c rose, 15c ultramarine, all on ordinary paper, in left marginal blocks...
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Niger Company Territories 1897 cover from Akassa to Freetown, SG54b
£950.00| /Niger Company Territories 1897 (22 Jul) cover from Akassa to Freetown, Sierra Leone, (with sender's name Handstamp 'J. Bubendorf' in violet on reve...
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Newfoundland 1929 3c on 6c slate error, SG188a
£3,250.00| /Newfoundland 1929 (23 Aug) 3c on 6c slate, type 101 surcharge in red, ERROR SURCHARGE INVERTED, in a very rare block of 4, SG188a. A brilliant qual...
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Antigua 1938-51 1s black and red-brown error, SG105ab
£6,000.00| /Antigua 1938-51 1s black and red-brown, FRAME PRINTED DOUBLE, ONE ALBINO, SG105ab. A brilliant unmounted mint example with full original gum. The a...
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