Realised Prices
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Niger Coast 1894 (1 Jan) provisional issue with 'OIL RIVERS' obliterated, the set of 6 to 1s, PROOF SG45/50
£3,750.00| /Niger Coast 1894 (1 Jan) provisional issue with 'OIL RIVERS' obliterated, the set of 6 to 1s in imperforate horizontal pairs in unissued colours, p...
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Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) 5s on 2d grey-green and carmine SG40
£9,000.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) 5s on 2d grey-green and carmine, type 12 surcharge in violet, Old Calabar provisional, SG40. A fine example of this very r...
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NIGER COAST 1893 ½d on 2½d purple/blue (USED), SG35
£395.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) ½d on 2½d purple/blue, SG35, type 10 surcharge in green, Old Calabar provisional, tied to small piece by light 'OLD CALABAR ...
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Nigeria (Lagos) 1884-86 1d rose-carmine variety, SG22w
£180.00| /Nigeria (Lagos) 1884-86 Watermark CA 1d rose-carmine, variety WATERMARK INVERTED, SG22w. A brilliant mint example with large part original gum. Ver...
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NIGER COAST 1893 'HALF PENNY.' on 2½d purple/blue, SG13
£395.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) 'HALF PENNY.' on 2½d purple/blue, type 4 surcharge in carmine, Old Calabar provisional, SG13. A fine mint example with large...
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NIGER COAST 1897-98 6d,2s6d, 10s SPECIMENS, SG71s, 73/4s
£225.00| /Niger Coast 1897-98 6d yellow-brown, 2s6d olive-bistre, 10s deep violet, overprinted 'SPECIMEN', watermark CA (type W1) for distribution to the Uni...
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NIGERIA 1921-32 2s6d black and red/blue variety, SG27a
£45.00| /Nigeria 1921-32 2s6d black and red/blue, Script watermark, reversion to die I variety, SG27a. A very fine mint example with original gum. The Stanl...
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NORTHERN NIGERIA 1900 set of 9 to 10s SPECIMEN, SG1s/9s
£180.00| /Northern Nigeria 1900 Queen Victoria set of 9 to 10s, overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG1s/9s. A very fine mint set with lovely fresh colours and part orig...
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NIGER COAST 1893 ½d on half of 1d lilac variety, SG7a/c
£500.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (3 Sept) ½d on half of 1d lilac, Old Calabar bisect provisional, unsevered pair, the left half clearly showing variety 'Straight t...
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NIGER COAST 1893 'HALF PENNY.' on 2½d purple/blue, SG13
£450.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) "HALF/PENNY." on 2½d purple/blue, type 4 surcharge in carmine, Old Calabar provisional, tied to piece by 'OLD CALABAR RIVER'...
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Niger Coast 1893 ½d on 2½d purple/blue, SG25
£550.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) 'Half Penny' on 2½d purple/blue, type 8 surcharge in vermilion, Old Calabar provisional, SG25. A very fine mint example with...
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NIGER COAST 1893 'HALF PENNY.' on 2½d purple/blue, SG33
£350.00| /Niger Coast 1893 (Dec) 'HALF/PENNY.' on 2½d purple/blue, type 9 surcharge in green, Old Calabar provisional, SG33. A fine and fresh mint example wi...
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NIGERIA 1914-29 set of 12 to £1 Specimens, SG1s/12s
£325.00| /Nigeria 1914-29 set of 12 to £1, watermark MCA, overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG1s/12s. A very fine mint set with large part original gum and lovely fres...
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Southern Nigeria 1906 cover franked 1904-09 £1 green, SG32
£650.00| /Southern Nigeria 1906 (SP 17) locally addressed cover to "Dr Rendle, DMO [= District Medical Officer], Aboh", franked by 1904-09 £1 green and viole...
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NIGER COAST 1894 '½' on left half of 1d vermilion, SG63
£700.00| /£700.00 Niger Coast 1894 (Aug-Sept) '½' on left half of 1d vermilion, type 15 surcharge in VIOLET, Opobo bisect provisional, tied to piece by cri...
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NIGER COAST 1894 '½' on left half of 1d vermilion, SG63
£650.00| /Niger Coast 1894 (Aug-Sept) '½' on left half of 1d vermilion, type 15 surcharge in VIOLET, Opobo bisect provisional, tied to piece by 'OPOBO RIVER'...
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