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Turks and Caicos Islands 1927 Photogravure essay for the 1d value, SG177

SKU JC2983


Turks and Caicos Islands 1927 (c.) Photogravure essay for the 1d value, inscribed 'POSTAGE & REVENUE', by printers Harrison & Sons, in deep blue on gummed wove (60 x 68mm), SG177.

Fine quality, other than some trivial marks in the surround, but most attractive and very rare.

In philately, an essay is a design for a proposed stamp submitted to the postal authorities for consideration but not used, or used after alterations have been made. By contrast, a proof is a trial printing of an accepted stamp. Both essays and proofs are rare, as usually just a few are produced.

Provenance: Ex Ludington (Spink 11/1999, lot 1810, realised £805 + VAT) and comparable to the Harrison Falkland Islands 'Whale & Penguin' essays from the same period.

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