Postage Stamps
Browse our selection of rare postage stamps for sale.
Canada 1935 Air 6c red-brown 'Daedalus", SG355
£850.00| /Canada 1935 Airmail 6c red-brown "Daedalus", imperforate vertical pair, SG355. Very fine quality unmounted mint with full original gum. Only 150 pa...
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CANADA 1942-48 'War Effort' 6c blue 'Air' (PROOF), SG399
£750.00| /Canada 1942-48 'War Effort' 6c blue 'Air', imperforate horizontal pair from right of sheet, SG399. Brilliant quality example, exceptionally fresh, ...
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SIERRA LEONE 1965 Air 15c on ½d error, SG373a
£160.00| /Sierra Leone 1965 (19 May) Airmail Fireball Lily 15c on ½d, ERROR SURCHARGE ('AIRMAIL' and '15c') DOUBLE, ONE INVERTED, SG373a. A very fine unmount...
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MOROCCO AGENCIES 1907-13 British Currency 2s6d dull reddish purple, SG41
£550.00| /£550.00 Morocco Agencies 1907-13 British currency 2s6d "dull reddish purple" (dark shade), Somerset House printing on ordinary paper (=GB SG 317)...
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MOROCCO AGENCIES 1914-31 British Currency 1½d red-brown, SG44
£75.00| /Morocco Agencies 1914-31 British Currency 1½d red-brown, Simple Cypher watermark, lower left corner 'O20' control block of 6 (3x2), plate 2a, perfo...
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MOROCCO AGENCIES 1914-31 British Currency 2s6d sepia-brown variety, SG50b
£200.00| /Morocco Agencies 1914-31 British currency 2s6d sepia-brown, Waterlow printing, OVERPRINT DOUBLE, ONE ALBINO, the albino overprint clearly visible 3...
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MOROCCO AGENCIES 1935-37 British Currency 2s6d chocolate-brown, SG73
£165.00| /Morocco Agencies 1935-37 British Currency 2s6d chocolate-brown 'Seahorses', Waterlow re-engraved printing, block of 4, SG73. A fine unmounted mint ...
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SOUTH AFRICA 1925 9d green 'Air' variety, SG29var
£140.00| /South Africa 1925 9d green 'Air', lower left corner block of 4, with upper left stamp (R11/1) showing "Extended strut" flaw (Union Handbook 19 V1),...
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KUT 1936 long airmail cover to South Africa, SG118a
£550.00| /Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 1936 (11 JY) long airmail cover to South Africa, attractively franked at 2s rate (50c per ½oz airmail postage x4) by 1...
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Zanzibar 1934 25c black/lilac Postage Due Cover, SGD24
£850.00| /Zanzibar 1934 (18 JAN) incoming airmail cover from Durban, South Africa with black/blue trilingual airmail label, underfranked by 1930-45 3d black ...
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AUSTRALIA 1934-48 Air 1s6d dull purple variety, SG153/var
£400.00| /Australia 1934-48 "Hermes" Airmail 1s6d dull purple, no watermark, perforations 11, interpane block of 4 with 'JOHN ASH' imprint, upper left stamp ...
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CANADA 1942-48 'War Effort' 7c blue "Air Mail", PROOF, SG400
£950.00| /£950.00 Canada 1942-48 War effort 7c blue 'Air Mail', right marginal IMPERFORATE HORIZONTAL PAIR, SG400. A fine and fresh unmounted mint imperfor...
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SOUTH AFRICA 1925 Air 9d green variety, SG21var
£125.00| /South Africa 1925 'Air Mail' 9d green, lower left corner block of 4, with lower right stamp (R12/8) showing "Broken R" in "SUIDAFRIKA" (Reference: ...
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SOUTH AFRICA 1925 'Air' set of 4 to 9d, SG26/9
£395.00| /South Africa 1925 'Air' set of 4 to 9d, right marginal blocks of 4, each showing value numeral, SG26/9. Fine and fresh mint blocks with large part ...
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China 1932-33 Sinkiang Airmail provisionals set of 4 to 30c deep brownish purple, SG83/6
£3,250.00| /China 1932-33 Sinkiang Airmail provisionals set of 4 to 30c deep brownish purple, SG83/6. A fine quality mint set. The 5c rosy mauve and 15c deep b...
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SOUTH AFRICA 1925 'Air' set of 4 to 9d, SG26/9
£475.00| /South Africa 1925 'Air' set of 4 to 9d, right marginal blocks of 4, each showing value numeral, SG26/9. A fine and fresh mint set of blocks with la...
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