GB postage stamps
Scarce Great Britain (GB) postage stamps and philatelic material for sale
Great Britain 1911 9d deep dull reddish purple & deep bright blue, SG306a
£850.00| /Great Britain 1911 9d deep dull reddish purple & deep bright blue, SG306a. A superb unmounted mint, with full original gum, bottom corner margi...
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Great Britain 1958 2d light red brown (crisp print) "Dollis Hill Phosphor Trial”, SG573var
£800.00| /Great Britain 1958 2d light red brown (crisp print) "Dollis Hill Phosphor Trial”, SG573var. A very fine perforated block of four on gummed unwaterm...
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Great Britain 1882 6d grey Plate 18 Specimens, SG161s
£1,000.00| /Great Britain 1882 6d grey Plate 18 Specimens, SG161s. A very fine and fresh unused, with original gum, block of four lettered 'FK-GL' (the bottom ...
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Great Britain 1841 2d blue Plate 3, SG14f
£1,200.00| /Great Britain 1841 2d blue Plate 3, SG14f. A very fine used four margin example lettered 'KB', neatly cancelled by a crisp London No.7 in Maltese C...
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Great Britain 1896 ½d vermilion (O.W. Official), SGO31var
£1,500.00| /Great Britain 1896 ½d vermilion (O.W. Official), SGO31var. A brilliant unmounted mint, with full original gum, block of six overprinted "SPECIMEN" ...
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Great Britain 1924 10d dull greenish blue (watermark inverted), SG428wi
£2,000.00| /Great Britain 1924 10d dull greenish blue (watermark inverted), SG428wi. A very fine unused example with original gum of this very rare King George...
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Great Britain 1877 £5 “Telegraphs" colour trial, SGL237var
£1,000.00| /Great Britain 1877 £5 “Telegraphs" colour trial, SGL237var. A very fine imperforate example lettered 'CM' printed on gummed watermarked paper in gr...
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Great Britain 1840 2d Mulready lettersheet Stereo A96, SGME3
£2,400.00| /Great Britain 1840 2d Mulready lettersheet Stereo A96, SGME3. A superb used example beautifully cancelled by a crisp Bath "53" numeral, sent from B...
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Great Britain 1915 2s6d pale yellow brown "Seahorses" colour trials, SG406var
£1,500.00| /Great Britain 1915 2s6d pale yellow brown "Seahorses" colour trials, SG406var. A very fine imperforate vertical pair of colour trial printed by De ...
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Great Britain 1958 2d light red brown "Dollis Hill Phosphor Trial”, SG573var
£1,000.00| /Great Britain 1958 2d light red brown "Dollis Hill Phosphor Trial”, SG573var. A very fine perforated left hand marginal block of eight on gummed cr...
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Great Britain 1883 2s6d die proof, SG175var
£2,500.00| /Great Britain 1883 2s6d die proof, SG175var. A very fine and fresh example printed by De La Rue in black on white glazed card (93 x 60mm) endorsed ...
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Great Britain 1870 ½d rose red Plate 10, SG48
£1,950.00| /Great Britain 1870 ½d rose red Plate 10, SG48. A very fine unused, with original gum, block of eighteen lettered 'NO-SQ', with lovely colour and ce...
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Great Britain 1880 2½d blue Plate 20 imprimatur, SG142var
£2,000.00| /GREAT BRITAIN 1880 2½d blue Plate 20 imprimatur, SG142var. A very fine unused, with original gum, imperforate imprimatur lettered 'AG'. Very rare, ...
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Great Britain 1890 9d Head plate die proof (Die 311), SG209var
£2,000.00| /Great Britain 1890 9d Head plate die proof (Die 311), SG209var. A very fine example printed in black on white glared card, endorsed "BEFORE HARDENI...
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Great Britain 1912 2d orange (Die 1) imprimatur, SG368var
£7,000.00| /Great Britain 1912 2d orange (Die 1) imprimatur, SG368var. A very fine unused, with original gum, imperforate imprimatur from the Post Office regis...
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Great Britain 1991 22p Ninth World Congress of Roses error, SG1568a
£1,800.00| /Great Britain 1991 22p Ninth World Congress of Roses, Belfast "Silver Jubilee" error, SG1568a. A superb unmounted mint, with full original gum, exa...
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Great Britain 1913 £1 green "Seahorses" Specimen, SG403var
£3,000.00| /Great Britain 1913 £1 green "Seahorses" Specimen, SG403var. A very fine unused example with original gum printed by Waterlow, overprinted "SPECIMEN...
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Great Britain 1884 10s cobalt, SG182
£7,000.00| /Great Britain 1884 10s cobalt, SG182. A very fine used, well centred, example lettered 'LC', neatly cancelled by West Strand circular date stamps f...
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Great Britain 1862 1s deep green Plate 2=3 (Hairlines), SG91a
£7,250.00| /Great Britain 1862 1s deep green Plate 2=3 (Hairlines), SG91a. A superb unused, with original gum, imperforate corner marginal example of this rare...
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Great Britain 1883 9d dull green (watermark sideways inverted) Specimens, SG199var
£1,750.00| /Great Britain 1883 9d dull green (watermark sideways inverted) Specimens, SG199var. A very fine and fresh unused, with original gum, block of four ...
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Great Britain 1924 2s Booklet (Edition No. 42), SGBB12
£700.00| /Great Britain 1924 2s Booklet (Edition No. 42), SGBB12. A very fine and fresh example with advertisement pane NBI5a(10). A scarce King George V sta...
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Great Britain 1861 1d rose red Plate 51 (Alphabet IV), SG42
£1,250.00| /Great Britain 1861 1d rose red Plate 51 (Alphabet IV), SG42. A very fine and fresh unused, with original gum, block of four lettered 'NG-OH'. Lovel...
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Great Britain 1840 1d black Plate 1a, SG2
£2,500.00| /Great Britain 1840 1d black Plate 1a, SG2. A very fine used close to huge four margin example lettered 'FB', neatly tied to a clean entire letter (...
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Great Britain 1874 1s green Plate 8, SG150
£750.00| /Great Britain 1874 1s green Plate 8, SG150. A superb well centred unmounted mint, with full original gum, example lettered 'QF'. An absolute stunne...
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Great Britain 1841 1d red brown, SG8
£950.00| /Great Britain 1841 1d red brown, SG8. An exceptionally fíne close to large margin unmounted mint, with full original gum, horizontal pair lettered ...
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Great Britain 1870 1½d rose red Plate 3, SG51
£650.00| /Great Britain 1870 1½d rose red Plate 3, SG51. A very fine and fresh unmounted mint example, with full original gum, lettered 'TL'. Very rare to fi...
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Great Britain 1890 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine, SG210a
£625.00| /Great Britain 1890 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine, SG210a. A very fine unused example with original gum of this scarce colour shade, exhibit...
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Great Britain 1901 ½d Die proof, SG215var
£1,500.00| /Great Britain 1901 ½d Die proof, SG215var. A very fine example printed in black on reduced white glazed card (43 x 30mm). A very scarce King Edward...
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Great Britain 1966 4d British birds (Ordinary) error, SG696ag
£900.00| /Great Britain 1966 4d British birds (Ordinary) error, SG696ag. A very fine unmounted mint, with full original gum, block of four with bright blue o...
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Great Britain 1911 3d purple/lemon, SG277var
£1,750.00| /Great Britain 1911 3d purple/lemon (Perforations 14), SG277var. A very fine and fresh unused, with original gum, right hand marginal block of nine ...
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Great Britain 1911 ½d pale bluish green, SG270a
£1,250.00| /Great Britain 1911 ½d pale bluish green, SG270a. A very fine and fresh unmounted mint, with full original gum, booklet pane of five plus St. Andrew...
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Great Britain 1906 1d Colour trial, SG219var
£1,500.00| /Great Britain 1906 1d Colour trial, SG219var. A very fine unused bottom left hand corner marginal imperforate example printed in dull rose on gumme...
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Great Britain 1899 2d ’’Jubilee" colour trial, SG199var
£850.00| /Great Britain 1899 2d ’’Jubilee" colour trial, SG199var. A very fíne unused, with original gum, example printed on unwatermarked paper, with the fr...
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Great Britain 1840 2d blue Plate 1, SG5
£1,750.00| /Great Britain 1840 2d blue Plate 1, SG5. A superb used close to good four margin example lettered 'RI', neatly cancelled by a complete strike of th...
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Great Britain 1883 5d die proof, SG193var
£1,800.00| /Great Britain 1883 5d die proof, SG193var. A very fine proof printed in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm) without corner letters, endorsed "BE...
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Great Britain 1842 1d pink envelope
£1,000.00| /Great Britain 1842 1d pink envelope. A superb used example sent from Exeter to Sidmouth then redirected to Bridgewater beautifully cancelled by a p...
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