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FIJI 1870-71 'FIJI TIME EXPRESS' 2d black/rose, SG6
£650.00| /£950.00 Fiji 1870-71 'FIJI TIME EXPRESS' 3d black/rose, thin vertically ribbed paper (with additional thickened lines), R4/1 on the sheet, roulet...
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FIJI 1876-77 1d blue on laid paper variety, SG31b
£325.00| /Fiji 1876-77 1d blue on laid paper, lithographed 'VR', variety 'Void corner' (R2/1), SG31b. A fine mint example with large part original gum. Very ...
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Fiji 1893 registered Walker cover to USA, SG83,85,93
£495.00| /Fiji 1893 (15 SP), SG83,85,93, registered O.H.M.S. cover from Suva to San Francisco, franked at 10d (4d registration + 6d postage) by 1891-98 1d bl...
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Fiji 1896 registered cover to Scotland, SG84/5
£450.00| /Fiji 1896 (24 APR) registered cover from Suva to Scotland, Hamilton Hunter correspondence, endorsed "Via Brindisi", correctly franked at 7½d (5d re...
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Fiji 1902 pair of registered covers to USA, SG58a, 59a, 103a
£495.00| /Fiji 1902 (OC 31) pair of matched "Benedict Pieth" registered covers from Suva to New Jersey, one franked by 1878-99 6d bright rose, the other by 1...
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FIJI 1912 £3 on £1 purple and black/red REVENUES
£950.00| /Fiji 1912 King Edward VII £3 on £1 purple and black/red, 'R and vertical bar' overprint with additional surcharge in words. Two fine examples used ...
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FIJI 1912 £3 on £1 purple and black/red REVENUES
£450.00| /Fiji 1912 King Edward VII £3 on £1 purple and black/red, REVENUES, 'R and vertical bar' overprint with additional surcharge in words, tied to small...
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FIJI 1912-13 set of 13 to £1 SPECIMEN, SG125s/37s
£395.00| /Fiji 1912-13 set of 13 to £1, watermark MCA, overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG125s/37s. A fine mint set with original gum. A few short perforations and th...
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Fiji 1912-13 ½d green SG126y
£180.00| /Fiji 1912-13 ½d green, watermark MCA, variety watermark inverted and reversed, very fine original gum. Not previously handled by us. Unmounted Mint...
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FIJI 1912-23 2d greyish slate, SG128w
£275.00| /Fiji 1912-23 2d greyish slate, watermark MCA, variety with watermark inverted, SG128w. A lightly used example of this rare watermark variety with ...
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FIJI 1912-23 £1 purple and black/red, SG137a
£250.00| /Fiji 1912-23 £1 purple and black/red, Die II, SG137a. A fine mint example with original gum of this attractive high value King George V stamp issue...
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FIJI 1917 4d black Postage Due, SGD5
£500.00| /Fiji 1917 (1 Jan) 4d black on thick yellowish white laid paper, SGD5. A fine used example for this scarce issue with light sunburst cancel. Very ra...
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Fiji 1917 Postage Due 3d black SGD4
£120.00| /Fiji Postage Due. 1917 (1 Jan) 3d black, from right of sheet with imperforate margin, fine used with part sunburst cancel. Only 1,116 issued. Dues....
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Fiji 1938-41 King George VI ½d to £1 ultramarine and carmine SG249/267.
£250.00| /Fiji King George VI 1938-41 ½d to £1 ultramarine and carmine and including 2½d on 2d brown and green set of 23, SG249/267. A wonderful and high qua...
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FIJI 1946 Victory 2½d green variety, SG268a
£550.00| /Fiji 1946 Victory 2½d green, variety 'printed double, one albino', SG268a. A brilliant quality unmounted mint example with full original gum. In pa...
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FIJI 1994 Easter 59c variety, SG890(w)
£70.00| /Fiji 1994 Easter 59c, variety watermark Crown to left of CA (from back), folded interpane block of 10 (5x2) with central gutter showing Enschede im...
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FIJI 1994 Easter 77c variety, SG891(w)
£70.00| /Fiji 1994 Easter 77c, variety watermark inverted, folded interpane block of 10 (2x5) with central gutter showing Enschede imprint and colour indica...
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FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 'Birds' 1c on 6c error, SGF1316a
£225.00| /Fiji 2006-08 Local provisional "Birds" 1c on 6c, type IIc surcharge, error SURCHARGE INVERTED, interpane block of 4 with 'Enschede' imprint, SGF131...
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FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 20c on 6c 'Birds' error, SGF1331a
£180.00| /Fiji 2006-08 Local provisional 20c on 6c 'Birds', type Ic surcharge, error SURCHARGE INVERTED, left marginal block of 4, SGF1331a. A Post Office fr...
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FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 20c on 6c 'Flycatcher' error, SGF1335
£130.00| /Fiji 2006-08 Local provisional 20c on 6c 'Flycatcher', type IIIb surcharge, vertical interpane pair, SGF1335. A superb unmounted mint pair with ful...
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FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 2c on 6c 'Flycatcher' variety, SGF1323
£395.00| /Fiji 2006-08 Local provisional 2c on 6c 'Flycatcher', type VI surcharge, variety "= =" for "XX", upper marginal block of 4 with '002830' sheet numb...
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FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 2c on 6c 'Flycatcher' variety, SGF1323
£110.00| /Fiji 2006-08 Local provisional 2c on 6c 'Flycatcher', type VI surcharge, variety "= =" for "XX", SGF1323. A pristine unmounted mint example with fu...
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FIJI 2009 Local provisional 5c on 23c 'Fruit dove' error, SGF1359a
£180.00| /Fiji 2009 Local provisional 5c on 23c 'Fruit dove', type IIIa surcharge, error SURCHARGE INVERTED, lower marginal imprint block of 4, SGF1359a A pr...
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FIJI 2009 Local provisional 5c on 23c 'Fruit dove' error, SGF1359a
£325.00| /Fiji 2009 Local provisional 5c on 23c 'Fruit dove', type IIIa surcharge, error SURCHARGE INVERTED, interpane block of 8 (4x2) with gutter strip sho...
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